Approve the following for payment:
1. Neel Schaffer, Inc. for professional services:
a. Invoice #1103810 in the amount of $2,472.50 for General Services
b. Invoice #1103811 in the amount of $8,790.22 for NRCS Sports Complex
c. Invoice #1103812 in the amount of $14,401.30 for NRCS Patricia/Iowa/Evergreen Sites
d. Invoice #1103813 in the amount of $1,081.77 for Cedar Hill SWPPP
e. Invoice #1103817 in the amount of $3,225.02 for NRCS Iowa Blvd - Fillmore Street
2. Vicksburg-Warren 911 Emergency Communications Center:
a. Payment in the amount of $61,618.84 for the city's share of 16 full-time E-911 dispatchers' salaries, matching benefits, and insurance for check dates: January 31, 2025 and February 14, 2025
3. Barge Design AIP 3-28-0073-020-2024 & AIG 3-28-0073-021-2024:
a. Invoice #0000228617 in the amount of $13,111.73 for Reconstruction Apron Access Taxiway/Rehabilitate Terminal Apron (Seal Joints) Project
4. Stantec Consulting for professional services:
a. Invoice #2353068 in the amount of $32,690.63 for Fisher Ferry Bridge Replacement over Hatcher Bayou