Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Mayor and Aldermen Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/10/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Robert M. Walker Building
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-24-1053 1A. RecognitionEmployee Anniversaries: 1. Seven (7) years of service: a. Walter Sanders - Traffic b. Anthony Lane - Police 2. Eight (8) years of service: a. Gary Vines - Building Maintenance 3. Thirty (30) years of service: a. Paula Wright - Inspection b. Steven Bailey - Landscaping   Not available Not available
ID-24-1063 1B. RecognitionAlderman Mayfield Award for Zeal and Excellence - AMAZE Service Award for their dedication and commitment to the betterment of the Vicksburg Community: 1. Karter Galloway 2. Cedrick David 3. Maegan Williams 4. Quartaveon Thomas   Not available Not available
ID-24-1049 1A. MinutesAdopt Board Meeting Minutes for: 1. August 12, 2024 (Special Called) 2. August 19, 2024 3. August 27, 2024 (Special Called)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1054 1B. Personnel MattersApprove the following Personnel Action Form: 1. Change Start Date: a. Ambulance (1)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1070 1C. Action ItemApprove Addition to Employee Driving List: 1. Breanna McBeath - Ambulance   Not available Not available
ID-24-1072 1D. BidAccept the Recommendation of Neel-Schaffer to award the bids for: 1. NRCS EWP Project - NR244423XXXXC011 Sports Force Site to Fordice Construction Company in the amount of $1,071,668.75 2. NRCS EWP Project - NR244423XXXXC013 (3) Sites on Evergreen Street, Iowa Drive and Patricia Street to Central Asphalt Company, Inc. in the amount of $524,868.00   Not available Not available
ID-24-1065 1E. Action ItemApprove request from Laura Kidder of St. Francis Xavier Elementary: 1. Assistance from the Vicksburg Police Department to block off the parking lot at 2101 Clay Street from 8:00am to 10:00am on Friday, October 4, 2024 for their Community Helper Day 2. An extended invitation for any available Police Officers   Not available Not available
ID-24-1061 1F. SponsorshipApprove Sponsorship Application in the amount of $300.00 from Metro-Jackson Alcorn Alumni Chapter for radio advertising pursuant to Section 17-3-1 and Section 17-3-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended.   Not available Not available
ID-24-1062 1G. SponsorshipApprove Sponsorship Application in the amount of $250.00 from Sandlot Legends Baseball pursuant to Section 17-3-1 and Section 17-3-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended.   Not available Not available
ID-24-1067 1H. AdvertisementApprove Sponsorship Request in the amount of $8,000 from Main Street for Mississippi Municipal League (MML) Small Town Conference on October 9-10, 2024 pursuant to Section 17-3-1 and Section 17-3-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended   Not available Not available
ID-24-1046 1I. Action ItemApprove invoice in the amount of $1,080.00 for Elva Smith for the Redistricting of the City's Precincts in SEMS   Not available Not available
ID-24-1060 1J. Action ItemApprove the following for payment: 1. EJES Incorporated for the month of August 2024: a. Invoice #200-02-17 in the amount of $10,508.30 for Washington Street, Haining Road to Jackson Street 2. Allen & Hoshall for professional services rendered through August 23, 2024: a. Invoice #4082404-72392 in the amount of $2,400.00 for project Vicksburg WWTP Trickling Filter and Valve   Not available Not available
ID-24-1066 1K. Action ItemApprove Claims Docket   Not available Not available
ID-24-1050 1A. Monthly UpdateDiscuss Southern Cultural Heritage Center Updates   Not available Not available
ID-24-1051 1B. Monthly UpdateDiscuss Vicksburg Convention & Visitors Bureau Updates   Not available Not available
ID-24-1073 1C. Action ItemAdopt Budget Amendments   Not available Not available
ID-24-1071 1D. Special AssessmentHearing to determine whether or not the properties listed on the Community Development Agenda are a public menace to the public health, safety and welfare of the community   Not available Not available
ID-24-1044 1E. Action ItemAuthorize Mayor to Execute Application to Mississippi Department of Archives & History (MDAH) for a Historical Marker for Kuhn Memorial Hospital State Charity   Not available Not available
ID-24-1045 1F. Action ItemApprove the City of Vicksburg Mayoral Health Council - Intergenerational Health Infrastructure Project from September 15, 2024 to June 30, 2025   Not available Not available
ID-24-1047 1G. Action ItemApprove New Rental Fees, Rates, Contracts and Applications for: 1. City Park Pavilion 2. Ardis T. Williams Auditorium   Not available Not available
ID-24-1052 1H. Action ItemAccept Resolution to Support Keep Vicksburg-Warren Beautiful in Partnership With the City of Vicksburg and Vicksburg Convention & Visitors Bureau   Not available Not available
ID-24-1069 1I. Action ItemAuthorize Mayor to Execute Letter of Engagement with Butler Snow for FY2023 Continuing Disclosure   Not available Not available
ID-24-1048 1J. Action ItemApprove the increase of Waste Management collection fees for Residential Customers and Commercial Businesses (outside of downtown) from $16.50 per month to $21.00. Residents will have the option to lease/rent an additional trash can (brown) for an extra fee of $27.50   Not available Not available
ID-24-1064 1K. OrdinanceAdopt an Ordinance to Amend Article V. Solid Waste, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Vicksburg, Mississippi, by Amending Sec. 11-101(a) Generally to Provide Regulations Applicable to Garbage Collection   Not available Not available
ID-24-1074 1L. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Agreement between the City of Vicksburg and Allen & Hoshall for Summit Ridge Sewer and Road Improvements Project: 1. Basic Services in the amount of $153,000.00 2. Resident Project Representative Services in the amount of $89,600.00   Not available Not available
ID-24-1055 1A. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Landscaping (1)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1056 1B. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Inspection (1)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1057 1C. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Traffic (1)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1058 1D. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Building Maintenance (1)   Not available Not available
ID-24-1059 1E. Personnel MattersPay Adjustment - Police (1)   Not available Not available