Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Mayor and Aldermen Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Robert M. Walker Building
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-25-0268 1A. RecognitionEmployee Anniversaries: 1. One (1) year of service: a. Carolyn Tillis - Police Department 2. Ten (10) years of service: a. Claude Billings - Police Department   Not available Not available
ID-25-0244 1A. Action ItemContinue Proclamation of Local Emergency (Curfew for Minors)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0267 1B. Action ItemApprove request from Rick Daughtry, Director of Parks and Recreation, to reimburse Vicksburg Girls Softball Association for payment of insurance in the amount of $2,907.00   Not available Not available
ID-25-0249 1C. Action ItemRescind approval request from Board Meeting of February 25, 2025, from David Blackledge and Lisa Boleware on behalf of Miss Mississippi Corporation for Permission to use Halls Ferry Park Pickleball Courts for a tournament on Friday, April 4, 2025 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm to Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm   Not available Not available
ID-25-0266 1D. Action ItemApprove the following for payment: 1. Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport: a. Invoice #4653 in the amount of $2,917.98 for the month of January 2025   Not available Not available
ID-25-0247 1E. Action ItemApprove Claims Docket   Not available Not available
ID-25-0245 1A. Monthly UpdateDiscuss Vicksburg Convention Center Updates   Not available Not available
ID-25-0248 1B. Special AssessmentHearing to determine whether or not the properties listed on the Community Development Agenda are a public menace to the public health, safety and welfare of the community   Not available Not available
ID-25-0254 1C. BidAward Sealed Bids and Reverse Auction Purchases for: 1. 66,000 Minimum GVWR Tandem Dump Truck(s) with Bed(s) Install (2025 or Newer)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0255 1D. Action ItemAdopt Budget Amendments   Not available Not available
ID-25-0250 1E. Action ItemApprove renewal of policies with Cadence Insurance (Auto Physical Damage/Airport Liability/Crime/Property/Equipment)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0256 1F. Action ItemApprove the following Clear Site Certification for Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (WPCRLF) Projects Funded Beginning FY2015 Project No. SRF-C280733-06-0: 1. Authorize Mayor to execute Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Loan Recipient Form 2. Authorize City Attorney to execute Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Title Counsel Form   Not available Not available
ID-25-0259 1G. Action ItemAuthorize Mayor to execute Contract Amendment No. 1 with Fordice Construction Company for NRCS Sports Force Site for a net increase change in contract in the amount of $57,074.00 and allow an additional 70 calendar days   Not available Not available
ID-25-0257 1H. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Task Order 3 to Utilities General Agreement with Allen & Hoshall for Water and Gas Line Extension between Gay Blvd and Wisconsin Avenue for a lump sum fee in the amount of $148,000.00   Not available Not available
ID-25-0258 1I. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Rental Agreement with RJ Young for a copier for the Cemetery   Not available Not available
ID-25-0271 1J. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Change Order #2 with Maynord Landscaping Co., Inc. for Iowa Avenue Headwall Replacement Project for an increase in the original Contract Price from $1,050,250.18 to $1,089,373.18 (Difference of $39,123.00)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0269 1A. Personnel MattersPay Adjustment - Police Department (2)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0270 1B. DiscussDiscussion - Economic Development Project BG   Not available Not available
ID-25-0272 1C. DiscussDiscussion - Economic Development Project Blue Steel   Not available Not available
ID-25-0273 1D. DiscussDiscussion - Economic Development Project Dynamis   Not available Not available