Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Mayor and Aldermen Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Robert M. Walker Building
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-25-0230 1A. RecognitionEmployee Anniversaries: 1. Eight (8) years of service: a. Adrian Reddix - IT Department 2. Thirty (30) years of service: a. Marilyn "Rosie" Edwards - Gas Department   Not available Not available
ID-25-0224 1A. MinutesAdopt Board Meeting Minutes for: 1. January 28, 2025 (Special Called) 2. February 3, 2025 3. February 10, 2025   Not available Not available
ID-25-0231 1B. Personnel MattersApprove the following Personnel Action Forms: 1. New Hire: a. Police Department (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0229 1C. Action ItemApprove Additions to Employee Driving List: 1. Abrina Emerson - Ambulance Department 2. Jebroski Shelton - ROW Department 3. Peyton Malone - Police Department   Not available Not available
ID-25-0217 1D. Special AssessmentAccept Letter Establishing Special Assessment and Adopt Resolution / Order for Cutting, Cleaning, Demolition and Site Clearing of the following properties: 1. 111 Churchill Drive, PPIN 13211; owned by Shirley R Grantham 2. 1206 Chestnut Street, PPIN 19319; owned by Isabelle Johnson 3. 1011 Bowman Street, PPIN 18075; owned by Ernest Stevenson 4. 123 Skyvale Drive, PPIN 19917; owned by Janice A & Erron Jr Flowers 5. 1705 Grove Street, PPIN 17616; owned by Gladys G Bingham 6. 1401 Division Street, PPIN 6087; owned by Thomas F Jones et al 7. 2008 Military Avenue, PPIN 24903; owned by Sedella McGhee Estate c/o Kareemah 8. 2907 E Main Street, PPIN 20715; owned by State of Mississippi   Not available Not available
ID-25-0212 1E. Action ItemApprove request from the Vicksburg and Warren County Historical Society to block off Cherry, Jackson, Monroe and Grove Streets that surround the Old Court House Museum for its Annual Spring Flea Market on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.   Not available Not available
ID-25-0213 1F. Action ItemApprove the request from Heather Calnan Sumners on behalf of the Junior Auxiliary of Vicksburg for the use of Halls Ferry Park (parking lot and restroom facilities) on March 29, 2025, for its Big Wheels Keep on Turning community event from 11am - 3pm   Not available Not available
ID-25-0225 1G. Action ItemApprove request from David Blackledge and Lisa Boleware on behalf of Miss Mississippi Corporation: 1. Permission to use Halls Ferry Park Pickleball Courts for a tournament: a. Friday, April 4, 2025 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm 2. Permission to use Halls Ferry Park Tennis Courts for a tournament: a. Friday, April 11, 2025 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm b. Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm c. Sunday, April 13, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm   Not available Not available
ID-25-0227 1H. Action ItemApprove request from Nancy Bell on behalf of Vicksburg Foundation for Historic Preservation to close the block of Crawford Street in front of the Southern Cultural Heritage Auditorium from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 1, 2025, to host the 13th Annual Mardi Gras Carnaval   Not available Not available
ID-25-0218 1I. Action ItemApprove the following for payment: 1. Neel Schaffer, Inc. for professional services: a. Invoice #1103810 in the amount of $2,472.50 for General Services b. Invoice #1103811 in the amount of $8,790.22 for NRCS Sports Complex c. Invoice #1103812 in the amount of $14,401.30 for NRCS Patricia/Iowa/Evergreen Sites d. Invoice #1103813 in the amount of $1,081.77 for Cedar Hill SWPPP e. Invoice #1103817 in the amount of $3,225.02 for NRCS Iowa Blvd - Fillmore Street 2. Vicksburg-Warren 911 Emergency Communications Center: a. Payment in the amount of $61,618.84 for the city's share of 16 full-time E-911 dispatchers' salaries, matching benefits, and insurance for check dates: January 31, 2025 and February 14, 2025 3. Barge Design AIP 3-28-0073-020-2024 & AIG 3-28-0073-021-2024: a. Invoice #0000228617 in the amount of $13,111.73 for Reconstruction Apron Access Taxiway/Rehabilitate Terminal Apron (Seal Joints) Project 4. Stantec Consulting for professional services: a. Invoice #2353068 in the amount of $32,690.63 for Fisher Ferry Bridge Rep   Not available Not available
ID-25-0209 1J. Monthly UpdateApprove Bank Letters: 1. Trustmark 2. Cadence   Not available Not available
ID-25-0210 1K. Monthly UpdateApprove Reports: 1. City Sexton 2. Privilege License 3. Tax Collection 4. Delinquent Tax Collection 5. Mayor and Treasure 6. Detail Budget 7. Credit Card   Not available Not available
ID-25-0219 1A. BidReceive Sealed Bids and Reverse Auction Purchases for: 1. 66,000 Minimum GVWR Tandem Dump Truck(s) with Bed(s) Install (2025 or Newer)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0211 1B. SponsorshipApprove request for radio advertisement in the amount of $885.00 from Lendsi Radio V105.5 FM for Miss Mississippi Teen Pageant and Miss Mississippi Pageant Interviews ($295 a month for the months of April, May and June 2025) pursuant to Section 17-3-1 and Section 17-3-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended   Not available Not available
ID-25-0220 1C. Action ItemApprove the following for Maynord Landscaping Co, Inc.: a. Pay Application No.1 in the amount of $42,632.41 for the Iowa Avenue Headwall Replacement Project   Not available Not available
ID-25-0208 1D. Special AssessmentHearing to determine whether or not the properties listed on the Community Development Agenda are a public menace to the public health, safety and welfare of the community   Not available Not available
ID-25-0223 1E. Action ItemApprove the following request from Tom Saielli on behalf of American Battlefield Trust: 1. Close the road at Melborn Place to remove the structures 2. Permission to remove the pavement, including the section of the road currently owned by the City of Vicksburg, extending from the Trust owned property to the railroad bridge   Not available Not available
ID-25-0221 1F. Action ItemAuthorize Administration to reimburse travel expenses in the amount of $1,025.00 to Mark Buys for membership and registration to attend International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 18 - 20, 2025   Not available Not available
ID-25-0214 1G. ResolutionAdopt Resolution Granting Final Approval for Tax Abatement for Post Properties, LLC for property located at 1105 Washington Street (PPIN 19199)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0222 1H. Action ItemAuthorize Mayor to execute Utilities Task Order No. 2 with Allen & Hoshall for design and construction of an automatic bar screen replacement at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (Design Engineering - $25,000.00; Construction Administration - $12,000.00)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0216 1I. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract for Professional Services Dated 03/04/25 Between City of Vicksburg and Volkert, Inc. for Water and Sewer Improvements for Stillwater and Bluecreek Drives for an additional compensation not to exceed $40,348.34   Not available Not available
ID-25-0226 1J. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Terms of Engagement Letter with ITG Strategies, LLC to render Consulting and Compliance Services to Vicksburg Fire Department in the amount of $2,500.00 per month; if additional resources are required, prior approval by the Chief and billed out at $135.00 per hour   Not available Not available
ID-25-0228 1K. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Agreement for the Purpose of the City Paying Tuition Cost for Employee to obtain a Paramedic Degree/Certification: 1. Bradley Elmore to attend Holmes Community College for A & P I in June of 2025 followed by A & P II at Holmes Community College for Paramedic School in August of 2025   Not available Not available
ID-25-0243 1L. ContractAuthorize Mayor to execute Sourcewell Participating Entity Enrollment Agreement with T-Mobile for Vehicle Tracking System   Not available Not available
ID-25-0207 1M. Action ItemApprove Claims Docket   Not available Not available
ID-25-0232 1A. Personnel MattersPay Adjustment - Gas Department (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0233 1B. Personnel MattersPay Adjustment - Police Department (2)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0234 1C. Personnel MattersStatus Change - Police Department (2)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0235 1D. Personnel MattersPay Adjustment / Transfer - Community Service (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0236 1E. Personnel MattersDiscretionary Leave - Fire Department (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0237 1F. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Court Services (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0238 1G. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Water & Gas Administration (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0239 1H. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - Gas Department (2)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0240 1I. Personnel MattersLongevity Pay - IT Department (1)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0241 1J. Personnel MattersSuspension - Ambulance Department (2)   Not available Not available
ID-25-0242 1K. Personnel MattersSuspension - Fire Department (1)   Not available Not available